Todo es una continua repetición a diferentes escalas
Para explicar (dentro de lo que yo entiendo) el estado actual de la ciencia Kepleriana, voy a necesitar bastantes publicaciones, hasta llegar a la más sorprendente, sencilla, e increíble conclusión, sobre la naturaleza del universo.
Avanzo, que todo es una continua repetición a diferentes escalas. Ya aclararé el tema, pero será una sorpresa para la comunidad científica y probablemente para otros grupos sociales.
Empecemos exponiendo, que la comunidad científica Kepleriana, no tiene ningún principio ni moral ni ético, lo que desde el comienzo de su "civilización", les ha permitido orientar sus investigaciones sin cortapisa alguna, cosa que no sucedió en la raza humana, debido esencialmente a la nefasta influencia de las creencias "espirituales", vamos de las religiones, principalmente, las de origen cristiano.
Los Keplerianos, tienen sentimientos, pero no el sentido humano, sino como respuestas colectivas a estímulos, unas veces individuales, otros colectivos, pero siempre responden como unidad en masa.
La razón de este tipo de respuesta común, es que no tiene un cerebro que centralice el tratamiento de datos. Su cerebro está disperso en distintas ubicaciones, que en su “cuerpo”, son internas (en forma de unidades semi-organicas de computación) y otras externas, unas en forma de láminas apiladas en forma de estratos, dentro del “tejido” que forma el exoesqueleto y que afectan al propio ser y otras, en ubicaciones también externas, pero que forman parte de un sistema general y que conectan por enlazamiento con los de los demás seres de su raza y que constituyen una conciencia colectiva, que les hace actuar como un enjambre.
Es importante recalcar, que estos seres “vivos”, no constituyen formas de vida, como las que estamos empeñados en encontrar en nuestras investigaciones sobre otros mundos, ya que no existen en ellos, ni química del carbono, ni del agua, ni nada parecido a lo que siempre hemos supuesto que íbamos a encontrar (y por eso mismo, no encontrábamos vida en otros planetas). Su constitución física, este entorno a otro tipo de moléculas, diferentes de lo que nosotros concebimos como parte de los seres vivos. Son solo agrupaciones moleculares de grafeno, oxigeno, nitrógeno y otros elementos dopantes tipo metales y metaloides, que no son conocidos en la tierra, pero que originan las corrientes continuas que circulan por todo su organismo (externa e internamente) que constituyen su fluido vital.
Everything is a continual repetition at different scales
To explain ( as far as I understand ) the current state of science Keplerian , I need enough publications to reach the most amazing, simple , and amazing conclusion on the nature of the universe .
I move here , it's all a continual repetition at different scales. It will clarify the issue, but it will be a surprise to the scientific community and probably for other social groups.
Let's expose , the Keplerian scientific community , it has no moral or ethical principle , which from the beginning of their " civilization " has allowed them to focus their investigations without any hindrance , which did not happen in the human race , because essentially to the nefarious influence of beliefs "spiritual" , we of religions , especially those of Christian origin .
The Keplerian , have feelings, but not the human sense , but as collective responses to stimuli , sometimes individual , other groups, but always respond as mass unit .
The reason for this kind of common response is that he has a brain to centralize data processing. His brain is dispersed at different locations, which in its "body", are either internal ( in the form of semi- organic units computer ) and other external , each shaped in the form of stacked sheets strata within the " tissue " forming the exoskeleton and affect self and others in locations outside also , but are part of a general system for linking and connecting with the other beings of their race and are a collective consciousness that makes them act as a swarm .
It is important to emphasize that these beings "alive " , they are not life forms, such as we are committed to finding in our research on other worlds , since they do not exist , or carbon chemistry , or water , or anything to what we have always assumed that we would find ( and for that matter, did not find life on other planets ) . His physical constitution, this environment to other molecules , different from what we think of as part of the living. They are only graphene molecular clusters , oxygen , nitrogen and other metals and metalloid type dopants , which are not known on earth , but which originate currents circulating throughout your body (external and internal ) which are their lifeblood .
To explain ( as far as I understand ) the current state of science Keplerian , I need enough publications to reach the most amazing, simple , and amazing conclusion on the nature of the universe .
I move here , it's all a continual repetition at different scales. It will clarify the issue, but it will be a surprise to the scientific community and probably for other social groups.
Let's expose , the Keplerian scientific community , it has no moral or ethical principle , which from the beginning of their " civilization " has allowed them to focus their investigations without any hindrance , which did not happen in the human race , because essentially to the nefarious influence of beliefs "spiritual" , we of religions , especially those of Christian origin .
The Keplerian , have feelings, but not the human sense , but as collective responses to stimuli , sometimes individual , other groups, but always respond as mass unit .
The reason for this kind of common response is that he has a brain to centralize data processing. His brain is dispersed at different locations, which in its "body", are either internal ( in the form of semi- organic units computer ) and other external , each shaped in the form of stacked sheets strata within the " tissue " forming the exoskeleton and affect self and others in locations outside also , but are part of a general system for linking and connecting with the other beings of their race and are a collective consciousness that makes them act as a swarm .
It is important to emphasize that these beings "alive " , they are not life forms, such as we are committed to finding in our research on other worlds , since they do not exist , or carbon chemistry , or water , or anything to what we have always assumed that we would find ( and for that matter, did not find life on other planets ) . His physical constitution, this environment to other molecules , different from what we think of as part of the living. They are only graphene molecular clusters , oxygen , nitrogen and other metals and metalloid type dopants , which are not known on earth , but which originate currents circulating throughout your body (external and internal ) which are their lifeblood .
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