El cuerpo de los Keplerianos----- The body of the Keplerian
Hoy, me han pasado información sobre los errores de bulto que estamos cometiendo los humanos, en la creación y desarrollo de algunas teorías científicas, que según los Keplerianos, además de estar equivocadas, no sirven absolutamente para nada, por ejemplo la teoría de cuerdas.
Tanta información he recibido, que sentía que mi cerebro iba a explotar. He comenzado a sudar por todo el cuerpo, pero sobre todo, he sufrido un perceptible aumento de la temperatura en todo el cráneo, por lo que les he pedido, dosificación y tiempo.
He tratado de comprender, en que consiste su anatomía y tras una visión general de su “ cuerpo “, he requerido algunas explicaciones, para tratar de entender su naturaleza y su constitución, así como las principales funciones que su “ cuerpo “ es capaz de desarrollar.
Ni estoy entendiendo a fondo sus explicaciones, ni estoy preparado como humano, para integrar tantos y diversos datos sobre su “anatomía”, pero voy a tratar de describir algunos rasgos fundamentales de un Kepleriano.
En primer lugar, tenéis que saber, que no tienen esqueleto interno, sino exoesqueleto (como un escarabajo), pero además, la disposición de sus órganos internos, es similar a los distintos sacos de tejido que tiene una fruta llamada Granada.
Today, I have spent about theblunders that humansare committing in the creation and development of some scientific theories, which the Keplerian, besides being wrong absolutely not serve for anything, such as string theory.
Such information I received, it felt like my brain was going to explode. I started to sweat all over the body, but mostly; I've had a discernible increase in temperature around the skull, so I've asked, dosage and time.
I tried to understand, that is their anatomy and after an overview of the "body", I required some explanation, to try to understand their nature and constitution, as well as the main features that your"body" is able to develop.
I do not fully understand his explanations, nor am I prepared as a human, to integrate variousdata points and their "anatomy", but I'll try to describe some basic features of a Keplerian.
First, you have to know, they have no internal skeleton, but exoskeleton (like a beetle), but also, the layout of its internal organs, is similar to the different bags fabric having a fruit called Pomegranate.
Such information I received, it felt like my brain was going to explode. I started to sweat all over the body, but mostly; I've had a discernible increase in temperature around the skull, so I've asked, dosage and time.
I tried to understand, that is their anatomy and after an overview of the "body", I required some explanation, to try to understand their nature and constitution, as well as the main features that your"body" is able to develop.
I do not fully understand his explanations, nor am I prepared as a human, to integrate variousdata points and their "anatomy", but I'll try to describe some basic features of a Keplerian.
First, you have to know, they have no internal skeleton, but exoskeleton (like a beetle), but also, the layout of its internal organs, is similar to the different bags fabric having a fruit called Pomegranate.
Otro aspecto destacable, es que sus tejidos, no son tales en el sentido que conocemos en la tierra. Sus diferentes membranas externas e internas, están constituidas por estructuras espaciales como las que se emplean para cubrir estadios.
Another noteworthy aspect is that their tissues are not such in the sense that we know on earth. Its various external and internal membranes, consist of spatial structures as those used to fillstadiums.
en las que las bolas de unión, son moléculas de fullereno ( o similares), de las que parten las uniones con otras bolas, que son nanotubos de grafeno.
wherein the bonding balls arefullerene molecules (or the like), of which start with other ball joints, which are nanotubesgraphene.
Molécula de fullereno y láminas y nanotubos de grafeno.
Fullerene moleculeand graphene sheets and nanotubes.
Cada molécula, se desarrolla con tantos apilamientos de celdas elementales de carbonos, o de láminas de grafeno, como sean necesarios para asegurar tanto las propiedades requeridas de tipo mecánico, como eléctrico.
No tiene órganos de respiración, sino que la mezcla de gases en la que se desarrollan, entra en sus organismos por una especie de mecanismo de osmosis y allí deja, donde procede, las moléculas de grafeno , óxido nitroso-grafeno y otras combinaciones desconocidas e incomprensibles para mí.
No tiene sentidos en el modo tradicional de los seres de la Tierra. Todo es percepción sensorial, por cambios de conductividad en cada parte aislada de su organismo, lo que les da infinitos datos sobre el entorno y por tanto, una capacidad gigantesca de interaccionar con el mismo.
A lo largo dela semana que viene, me van a facilitar esquemas sencillos, que me permitan explicar su forma externa, como se desplazan, como piensan y como pueden trabajar la naturaleza, para satisfacer sus necesidades tecnológicas y vitales (que para los Keplerianos, viene a ser lo mismo).
Hoy no puedo más.
Each molecule develops many elementary cells stacks carbon or graphene sheets, as necessary to assure both the required properties of mechanical, or electrical.
You have no breathing organs, but that the gas mixture in which they develop, enters their bodies through a kind of osmosis mechanism and there left, where appropriate, graphene molecules, nitrous oxide-graphene and other combinations unknown and incomprehensible to me.
You have no senses in the traditional way of living on Earth. Everything is sensory perception conductivity changes in each part of its body insulated, which gives infinite environment data and therefore a huge capacity to interact with it.
Over the next week, I will provide simple schemes which allow me to explain its external form, as they move, how they think and how nature can work to meet their technology needs and life (which for Keplerian, comes to the same thing).
Today I can no more.
You have no breathing organs, but that the gas mixture in which they develop, enters their bodies through a kind of osmosis mechanism and there left, where appropriate, graphene molecules, nitrous oxide-graphene and other combinations unknown and incomprehensible to me.
You have no senses in the traditional way of living on Earth. Everything is sensory perception conductivity changes in each part of its body insulated, which gives infinite environment data and therefore a huge capacity to interact with it.
Over the next week, I will provide simple schemes which allow me to explain its external form, as they move, how they think and how nature can work to meet their technology needs and life (which for Keplerian, comes to the same thing).
Today I can no more.