Ante el inminente intento de invasión de la tierra, por parte de la civilización del planeta homónimo al nuestro, el planeta Kepler-69c (o eso me han hecho creer ellos) en el sistema planetario kepler-69, un grupo de disidentes del gobierno central de dicho planeta, ha optado por tomar contacto conmigo, a fin de comunicarme los planes de invasión.
Debo conseguir convencer a los gobiernos de la tierra, de que el peligro es inmediato y que tenemos que prepararnos como civilización única, olvidando todas nuestras diferencias ideológicas, culturales y sobre todo, políticas y religiosas.
El problema al que nos vamos a enfrentar, es muy complejo, ya que nuestros sistemas de ataque, son casi inútiles frente a esta invasión, que tiene un carácter estratégico, sin enfrentamientos directos entre los humanos y digamos los keplerianos.
No van a atacarnos en el sentido humano de la guerra.
Según los disidentes, tenemos que inventar un sistema de protección química global del planeta, ya que lo que van a hacer, es utilizar su “generador de luz coherente y polarizada”, para hacer reaccionar todo el nitrógeno de la atmósfera, con el hidrogeno necesario, para producir la máxima cantidad de amoniaco.
Posteriormente, con el rociado de toda la atmósfera con un catalizador conocido por xx22 (en nuestro sistema alfanumérico), reaccionará con el oxígeno necesario para obtener todo el óxido nitroso posible.
En la última fase del ataque, mediante no sé qué sistema (porque no he comprendido nada), el NO, ha de reaccionar con un especie de grafeno, que previamente, habrá sido difundido en la atmósfera, para obtener la mezcla respiratoria que necesita su raza y que al mismo tiempo, exterminará a la raza humana.
No tenemos mucho tiempo para encontrar la solución y ya ha habido intentos de negociación, por parte de algunos traidores, relacionados con el mundo financiero.
Afortunadamente, el concepto de poder y dinero, no existe en la raza agresora y la negociación ha terminado con la eliminación de los traidores, por parte de una especie de escuadrones de policía de los invasores, que si tienen claro y arraigado en su cultura, el concepto de la fidelidad y el honor.
Faced with the impending attempted invasion of the earth, by the eponymous planet civilization of ours, the planet Kepler-69c (or so I'm led to believe them) in the Kepler-69 planetary system, a group of dissidents from the central government of the world, has chosen to make contact with me, in order to communicate the invasion plans.
I get to convince governments of the earth, which the danger is immediate and we have to prepare ourselves as unique civilization, forgetting all our ideological differences, cultural and especially political and religious.
The problem that we will face is very complex, and attack our systems are almost useless against this invasion, which has a strategic nature, without direct confrontations between humans and the Keplerian say.
They will not attack in the human sense of the war.
According to the dissent, we must invent a global chemical protection system on the planet, because they are going to do is use their "power and polarized coherent light" to react all the nitrogen from the atmosphere, with hydrogen necessary to produce the maximum amount of ammonia.
Later, with the spray of the entire atmosphere with a catalyst known for xx22 (in our alphanumeric), react with the oxygen needed for all possible nitrous oxide.
In the last phase of the attack, by what system do not know (because I have not understood anything), NO, has to react with a kind of graphene, previously, will have been released into the atmosphere, to get the breathing mix who needs your race and at the same time, will exterminate the human race.
Not much time to find the solution and there have been attempts at negotiation, by some traitors, related to the financial world.
Fortunately, the concept of power and money, there is the aggressor and negotiation race ended with the elimination of traitors, by a sort of police squads of the invaders, if they are clear and rooted in their culture, the concept of loyalty and honor.
I get to convince governments of the earth, which the danger is immediate and we have to prepare ourselves as unique civilization, forgetting all our ideological differences, cultural and especially political and religious.
The problem that we will face is very complex, and attack our systems are almost useless against this invasion, which has a strategic nature, without direct confrontations between humans and the Keplerian say.
They will not attack in the human sense of the war.
According to the dissent, we must invent a global chemical protection system on the planet, because they are going to do is use their "power and polarized coherent light" to react all the nitrogen from the atmosphere, with hydrogen necessary to produce the maximum amount of ammonia.
Later, with the spray of the entire atmosphere with a catalyst known for xx22 (in our alphanumeric), react with the oxygen needed for all possible nitrous oxide.
In the last phase of the attack, by what system do not know (because I have not understood anything), NO, has to react with a kind of graphene, previously, will have been released into the atmosphere, to get the breathing mix who needs your race and at the same time, will exterminate the human race.
Not much time to find the solution and there have been attempts at negotiation, by some traitors, related to the financial world.
Fortunately, the concept of power and money, there is the aggressor and negotiation race ended with the elimination of traitors, by a sort of police squads of the invaders, if they are clear and rooted in their culture, the concept of loyalty and honor.