Hoy descanso de Keplerianos. Toca apuntar ideas para la mejor convivencia de la raza humana.
Leí hace un par de semanas, un artículo sobre la activista Islandesa Birgitta Jónsdóttir, en la que expone sus ideas sobre el capitalismo, ideas que por cierto comparto casi en su totalidad. Su análisis sobre la nueva situación de la humanidad, en relación con el hecho de que hay un acceso total a la información y que comienza la era de la gente, son la clave para el desarrollo de lo que quiero exponer.
Y lo primero que expongo, es que no estoy de acuerdo con ella en que el capitalismo hay que destrozarlo. Esto va a ser imposible. Resulta puramente idealista y por tanto irrealizable.
Yo tuve un profesor que nos explicó su teoría, de que si en un momento determinado de la historia, repartiésemos la riqueza entre todos los habitantes del planeta por igual, al cabo de diez años como máximo, volvería a haber el mismo número de ricos y pobres, y en un 90%, los ricos serían las mismas personas que diez años antes. No lo puedo probar, pero estoy convencido de que tenía razón.
Para empezar, la naturaleza no dota a todos los humanos por igual, ni en inteligencia, ni en belleza, ni en condición física, ni en ambición y mucho menos en sentimientos. Este es el primer hecho incuestionable, que hace que la igualdad sea imposible y sabiendo esto, pedir igualdad es quimérico e injusto.
¿Por qué van a ser iguales dos seres que no trabajan lo mismo, que no estudian lo mismo, que no se esfuerzan con el mismo ahínco? Hay una gran cantidad de seres humanos, que dedican mucho tiempo a folklores, partidos y religiones, mientras los otros lo hacen al aprendizaje, al entrenamiento, o se arriesgan en los negocios.
¿Cuántas personas conocemos que si les ofreces la posibilidad de crear un negocio, te contestan que ellos no quieren complicaciones y que con su sueldo, se conforman?
Por otra parte, hay que cambiar el modo en que los supuestos líderes, manejan el capitalismo. Incluso probablemente, dado el cambio de condiciones culturales (por facilidad de acceso a la información y la cultura), habrá que cambiar a los líderes, ya que los que hasta ahora manejaban el capitalismo, ya no están capacitados.
Los líderes actuales, los que detentan el dinero y el poder, si bien aún lo mantienen, lo hacen d forma ineficaz y no van siquiera en la línea del afianzamiento de su poder ni sus fortunas. Todos los líderes actuales y su cultura de poder, corresponden a una época pasada, en el que la mayoría de los humanos, ignoraban los resortes del poder y de la creación de riqueza. Hoy no es así, la gente sabe de estas cuestiones. Otra cosa es que no quieran entrar en la dinámica del riesgo, el trabajo excesivo, la tensión y en resumen, vivir en la jungla despiadada de los negocios y la auténtica política, en la que está obligado a vivir del poderoso.
Está claro que dadas las circunstancias actuales, los líderes de hoy, no dan la talla para mantener el capitalismo como sistema de vida social, injusta, pero el mejor de los malos conocidos. Se les esta escapando de las manos.
Los que de verdad detentan el poder económico y en consecuencia, quitan y ponen peones en la escena política, no comprenden que al igual que el resto de las religiones, el capitalismo necesita renovarse para no desaparecer. Requiere adaptarse al hecho de que ya no existen masas de ignorantes, condición sin la cual, la religión deja de ser practicada y deja de ser una necesidad.
Además, en su estúpido egocentrismo engreído, los auténticos poderosos (que son muy pocos), han permitido que sus comisarios, ya no sean creadores de riqueza, ni de bienestar ni siquiera de más dinero para el Jefe, que los ha puesto ahí. El poderoso ha permitido que los puestos de tercer orden, hayan sido copados por abogados y economistas, que han derivado en el enriquecimiento ficticio que la especulación permite. Al no crear bienes y servicios, ni riqueza de ninguna clase, están destruyendo uno de los logros del capitalismo. Están destruyendo la clase media, que además ya no es ignorante y que ambiciona ser como ellos, auténticos parásitos improductivos de bien estar social, sin el cual, el capitalismo no tiene sentido.
Los auténticos líderes, han abandonado sus funciones, dejando por estúpido comportamiento acomodaticio, que esa caterva de sanguijuelas sin escrúpulos ni creatividad, se hagan con un sistema, que lleva a la humanidad a una espiral de estupidez generalizada, en la que ya no existen los auténticos valores capitalistas. Ahora, cualquier idiota puede hacer fortuna en el mundo financiero y si falla, los políticos le arreglaran el problema con dinero de todos los ciudadanos.
Pero los ciudadanos, son conscientes de este hecho y se revelan con agitación social y atacando a las decrépitas estructuras del poder financiero, que les roba su esfuerzo, sin aportar nada a cambio.
¿Hemos tenido peores políticos en los últimos cien años?
Los líderes de verdad, los auténticos poderosos, tienen que pensar en que por este camino, van a matar la gallina de los huevos de oro.
Tiene que volver a liderar la transformación de la materia, el buen uso de la energía, la generalización del acceso a los servicios y sobre todo a la cultura, en una palabra el estado el bien estar. Tienen que controlar la creación de riqueza real, para que sea duradera y tienen que eliminar el corto plazo, planificando incluso la demografía, ya que en poco tiempo, alcanzaremos el número máximo de habitantes del planeta. Hacia 2070, llegaremos a los 10.000 millones de habitantes y ya no se podrá crecer más. Hay que planificar este momento, para que fluya la riqueza y el bien estar general. No será posible evitar que haya ricos y pobres, pero si el concepto de ricos y pobres, se traslada hacia arriba unos cuantos puntos, seguirá existiendo desigualdad, pero en un nivel mínimo, soportable para todos y los ricos serán más ricos, pero los pobres, ya no serán más pobres en términos absolutos.
Solo así, es posible que podamos evitar ser aniquiladas como raza, por otras razas de otros planetas, que nos puedan considerar un experimento fracasado en el orden universal.
Today Keplerian breaks. Touch down ideas for better living of the human race.
I read a couple of weeks ago, an article on the Icelandic activist Birgitta Jónsdóttir , setting out his ideas about capitalism, certainly share ideas almost entirely . His analysis of the new situation of humanity in relation to the fact that there is full access to information and that begins the era of the people, are the key to the development of what I want to expose.
And the first thing I explain is that I disagree with her that you have to smash capitalism. This will be impossible. It is purely idealistic and therefore unrealistic.
I had a professor who explained his theory , that if at a given moment in history, wealth should be distributed among all the inhabitants of the planet equally, after ten years at most , would have the same number of rich and poor, and 90 % , the rich would be the same people who ten years earlier. I cannot prove, but I am convinced he was right.
For starters, the nature endows all humans equally, or intelligence, or beauty, or physical condition, or much less ambition and feelings. This is the first indisputable fact that makes equality impossible and knowing this, ask chimeric equality is unjust.
Why will be the same two people who do not work the same, they do not study the same, do not struggle with the same zeal? There are a lot of humans, who spend much time in folklores, parties and religions, while others do it to learning, training, or risk in business.
How many people know that if they offer the possibility of creating a business, they reply that they do not want complications and with his salary, comply?
On the other hand, we must change the way the supposed leaders, manage capitalism. Even likely, given the cultural conditions change (for ease of access to information and culture), you should change leaders, because so far managed capitalism, and are not trained.
The current leaders, those who hold money and power, while still maintaining, ineffectively d do not go online even in the consolidation of their power and their wealth. All current leaders and culture of power, correspond to a bygone era in which most humans, ignoring the levers of power and wealth creation. Not so today, people know of these issues. Another thing is I do not want to get into the dynamics of risk, overwork, stress, and in short, to live in the jungle ruthless business and real policy, which is forced to live the powerful.
It is clear that given the current circumstances, the leaders of today, do not measure to maintain capitalism as a social system, unfair, but the best known bad. They are this out of hand.
Those who truly hold economic power and consequently removed and put pawns on the political scene , do not understand that like all other religions , capitalism needs to be renewed for not disappear. Requires adapt to the fact that there are no longer ignorant masses, a condition without which religion ceases to be practiced and is no longer a necessity.
Moreover, in his stupid smug selfishness, the real powerful (which are very few), have allowed their commissioners, and not creators of wealth, welfare and even more money to the Chief, who has put it there. The mighty has allowed the third-order positions, have been taken over by lawyers and economists, which have resulted in the enrichment enables fictional speculation. By not create goods and services, or wealth of any kind, are destroying one of the achievements of capitalism. They are destroying the middle class, which also no longer ignorant and aspires to be like them, unproductive parasites authentic social well-being, without which capitalism no sense.
Authentic leaders have abandoned their duties, leaving stupid accommodative behavior , that this bunch of leeches without scruples or creativity , are made with a system that brings humanity to a spiral of widespread stupidity , which no longer exist authentic capitalist values . Now any idiot can make a fortune in the financial world and if it fails, the politicians money sprucing up the problem of all citizens.
But citizens are aware of this fact and developed with unrest and attacking the decrepit financial power structures, which robs them of their effort, without contributing anything in return.
Have we been worse politicians in the last hundred years?
True leaders, the real powerful, have to think that in this way, they will kill the goose that lays golden eggs.
You have to go back to leading the transformation of matter, the proper use of energy, widespread access to services and especially to the culture, in a word the welfare state. They have to control the creation of real wealth to be durable and have to remove the short -term planning even demographics, and that before long; we will reach the maximum number of people on the planet. By 2070, we will reach 10,000 million and you can no longer grow. You have to plan this time, for the flow of wealth and general welfare. It will not be possible to avoid having rich and poor, but if the concept of rich and poor , he moved up a few points, inequality will continue to exist , but at a minimum , bearable for all, and the rich will get richer , but the poor no longer will be poorer in absolute terms.
Only then, we may be able to avoid being annihilated as a race, other races from other planets, we can consider a failed experiment in the universal order.
I read a couple of weeks ago, an article on the Icelandic activist Birgitta Jónsdóttir , setting out his ideas about capitalism, certainly share ideas almost entirely . His analysis of the new situation of humanity in relation to the fact that there is full access to information and that begins the era of the people, are the key to the development of what I want to expose.
And the first thing I explain is that I disagree with her that you have to smash capitalism. This will be impossible. It is purely idealistic and therefore unrealistic.
I had a professor who explained his theory , that if at a given moment in history, wealth should be distributed among all the inhabitants of the planet equally, after ten years at most , would have the same number of rich and poor, and 90 % , the rich would be the same people who ten years earlier. I cannot prove, but I am convinced he was right.
For starters, the nature endows all humans equally, or intelligence, or beauty, or physical condition, or much less ambition and feelings. This is the first indisputable fact that makes equality impossible and knowing this, ask chimeric equality is unjust.
Why will be the same two people who do not work the same, they do not study the same, do not struggle with the same zeal? There are a lot of humans, who spend much time in folklores, parties and religions, while others do it to learning, training, or risk in business.
How many people know that if they offer the possibility of creating a business, they reply that they do not want complications and with his salary, comply?
On the other hand, we must change the way the supposed leaders, manage capitalism. Even likely, given the cultural conditions change (for ease of access to information and culture), you should change leaders, because so far managed capitalism, and are not trained.
The current leaders, those who hold money and power, while still maintaining, ineffectively d do not go online even in the consolidation of their power and their wealth. All current leaders and culture of power, correspond to a bygone era in which most humans, ignoring the levers of power and wealth creation. Not so today, people know of these issues. Another thing is I do not want to get into the dynamics of risk, overwork, stress, and in short, to live in the jungle ruthless business and real policy, which is forced to live the powerful.
It is clear that given the current circumstances, the leaders of today, do not measure to maintain capitalism as a social system, unfair, but the best known bad. They are this out of hand.
Those who truly hold economic power and consequently removed and put pawns on the political scene , do not understand that like all other religions , capitalism needs to be renewed for not disappear. Requires adapt to the fact that there are no longer ignorant masses, a condition without which religion ceases to be practiced and is no longer a necessity.
Moreover, in his stupid smug selfishness, the real powerful (which are very few), have allowed their commissioners, and not creators of wealth, welfare and even more money to the Chief, who has put it there. The mighty has allowed the third-order positions, have been taken over by lawyers and economists, which have resulted in the enrichment enables fictional speculation. By not create goods and services, or wealth of any kind, are destroying one of the achievements of capitalism. They are destroying the middle class, which also no longer ignorant and aspires to be like them, unproductive parasites authentic social well-being, without which capitalism no sense.
Authentic leaders have abandoned their duties, leaving stupid accommodative behavior , that this bunch of leeches without scruples or creativity , are made with a system that brings humanity to a spiral of widespread stupidity , which no longer exist authentic capitalist values . Now any idiot can make a fortune in the financial world and if it fails, the politicians money sprucing up the problem of all citizens.
But citizens are aware of this fact and developed with unrest and attacking the decrepit financial power structures, which robs them of their effort, without contributing anything in return.
Have we been worse politicians in the last hundred years?
True leaders, the real powerful, have to think that in this way, they will kill the goose that lays golden eggs.
You have to go back to leading the transformation of matter, the proper use of energy, widespread access to services and especially to the culture, in a word the welfare state. They have to control the creation of real wealth to be durable and have to remove the short -term planning even demographics, and that before long; we will reach the maximum number of people on the planet. By 2070, we will reach 10,000 million and you can no longer grow. You have to plan this time, for the flow of wealth and general welfare. It will not be possible to avoid having rich and poor, but if the concept of rich and poor , he moved up a few points, inequality will continue to exist , but at a minimum , bearable for all, and the rich will get richer , but the poor no longer will be poorer in absolute terms.
Only then, we may be able to avoid being annihilated as a race, other races from other planets, we can consider a failed experiment in the universal order.